About Us
Advanced Lubrication is one of High Performance Lubricants, LLC’s distributors. We are a service oriented organization with the customers satisfaction as our number one goal. The best lubricants in the world coupled with excellent service and support is a hard combination to beat.
Founded in 2000 Advanced Lubrication, Inc. fully understands customer satisfaction is the key to our success. Our Mission is to provide the highest level of customer service and provide high quality products that combine performance with value pricing.
Advanced Lubrication, Inc. is a leading supplier of High Performance Lubricants synthetic lubricants and Enviro Products “green” industrial strength cleaners.
As authorized industrial distributors of High Performance Lubricants synthetic lubricants, Advanced Lubrication offers a full line of the highest quality lubricants needed to keep your equipment running smoothly.
High Performance Lubricants industrial products provide solutions that improve equipment reliability for our customers. The oil has a very long life that rapidly separates from water, offering excellent corrosion protection. High Performance Lubricants oils are cleaner than conventional oils. Our lubricants help reduce energy costs; energy savings typically exceeds the total cost of the oil within a few months.
High Performance Lubricants automotive lubricants are environmentally responsible products that improve fuel economy and reduce emissions. High Performance Lubricants motor oil is extremely oxidation stable and stands up to heat that causes oils to thicken, to form lacquer and varnish deposits, to lose its lubricity and to shorten the life of both the oil and the engine. We offer a complete line of automotive lubricants that offer greater wear protection for your vehicle.
For more information about High Performance Lubricants please visit their website at: hplubricants.com
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